by Janis M. Betz, RN, BSN

I often say that health is a choice because of what you choose to eat and what living habits you choose to have. Many people do not understand how poorly they eat or the harmful effects until it is too late. Most chronic diseases and cancer start 10-20 years before you are diagnosed. It is my goal to somehow change the course of your future by providing a way to prevent chronic disease and cancer.

HEALTH CHOICE # 1 – Sickness, Chronic Disease, CANCER, and Fatigue. As an average American, you are eating a health-destroying, S.A.D. diet consisting of the following:

  1. Excess-protein/fat, acid-forming, processed/cooked foods.
  2. 100 grams or greater of protein/day ( 20% of daily cal.).
  3. Between 100-122 grams of fat/day (45-55% of daily cal.).
  4. No alkaline (raw) food for 7-14 days.
  5. Insufficient pure water (1-4 cups/day).
  6. Exclusively unhealthy, acidic, toxic drinks such as sugary drinks, sodas, and coffee.
  7. 150 grams (38 tsp.) of simple, refined sugar/day.
  8. Low-fiber.

HEALTH CHOICE #2 – Ultimate Health, NO CANCER, and Energy. If you want healing and the greatest possible health, and you want to stop cancer, it will be important for you to daily follow these directions to ULTIMATE HEALTH:

  1. Unlimited raw vegetation intake up to 65-75% of diet.
  2. Limit cooked food/vegetation to 25-35% of diet. Take an enzyme supplement with each cooked meal.
  3. Trim protein intake to between 4.5-8% of calories/day (World Health Organization – National Research Council). A 2,000 cal. diet = 22-40 grams of protein. A vegetarian diet consisting of vegetation, beans, and grains will meet your daily protein needs.
  4. Increase fiber intake to 25-30 grams or more by adding a fiber supplement to your diet. Fiber removes toxins and maintains a healthy colon. Take fiber 1-2 times a day. Do not take it within 1/2 hr. of vegetable or green juices. Drink a glass of water after taking the fiber.
  5. Minimize damage from free radicals by taking antioxidants such as grape seed extract, green tea, pine bark, and vitamins C, E, & A; minerals zinc and selenium; and. Minimize exposure to free radicals and chemicals in your diet and environment.
  6. Abundant pure water intake – divide your body weight in half. This is how many ounces of water you need every day. (Min: 8 cups)
  7. Trim fat intake to between 10-20% of calories/day. A 2,000 cal. diet = 22-44 grams of fat. Consume good fats – cold pressed flaxseed oil (essential fatty acid), extra virgin olive oil, and almond butter.
  8. Eliminate refined white flour and sugar, refined salt, deep-fried and processed foods, dairy, coffee, and soda from your diet. These substances cause an acidic body, contributing to the degeneration of your cells and weakening your immune system.
  9. High-nutrition intake through juicing and drinking a green juice powder such as AIMBarleyLife. Depending on your state of health, drink 2-6 cups of freshly extracted carrot/vegetable juice. Also, take 1 tablespoon of green juice powder in 4-6 oz. of water, apple or carrot/vegetable juice 2-6 times a day on an empty stomach. Do not take it right before bedtime because it may keep you awake.
  10. Exercise and get sunshine 20-30 minutes every day.
  11. Aerate your lungs to increase oxygenation in your body by doing deep breathing exercises outdoors.
  12. Lower stress and emotional distress – meditate on key Scriptures, exercise, deep breathe, and focus on the positive. Move out of stressful situations. “Rescue Remedy” by Bach has helped many people relieve stress. Forgive yourself and others.
  13. Take time to rest and nightly get 6-8 hours of sleep.
  14. Have hope and faith.

By following these directions, you will experience the following benefits for the HEALTHIEST body possible:

Healthy, disease-resistant cells.
Elimination of toxins/free radical damage from cells.
A strong immune system.
Lowered and stabilized body weight.
The prevention of sickness, chronic disease, cancer.
Healthy colon.
Increased energy.
Environment of body at proper alkaline levels – 7.2 .
Slowed aging process.
The reduction in the effects of stress.