by Janis Betz
(This will make 9-10 pints.)
Dill or Fennel with optional garlic and/or hot pepper
5 C. water
4 C. apple cider vinegar
1/4 C. maple syrup
1/3 C. pickling salt
Sprig of dill weed or fennel fronds
Sliced garlic
A sliver of hot pepper if you want some zip (opt).
Sweet and Sour
2 C. water
2 C. maple syrup
4 C. of apple cider vinegar
1/3 C. of pickling salt
2 T. mustard seed
2 tsp. turmeric
4 tsp. celery seed
2 tsp. ginger
Bring ingredients to a boil. You do not need a pressure cooker to can with these brines.
If you want to use without canning, cook your desired vegetables in the desired brine until tender and Chill.
Follow the canning instructions in the “Ball Blue Book guide to preserving.” You can purchase this book in the canning section from any place that sells canning supplies