From the “Wielding God’s Sword” book by Janis M. Betz

Some people absorb other people’s emotions and negativity, which is not good.

  1. Recognize that you may be doing this, pray it out, and let it go.
  2. Pray in what you want to see for that person, yourself, or your situation.
  3. Pray to release any emotional or negative attachments. Be specific. Name it.
  4. Put a spiritual, protective wedge and barrier between you and the other person or situation.

Command or decree that their negative emotion and energy are removed, grounded, and rendered ineffective. Grounding means to have the earth element absorb the negative energy, emotion, and stress. I often pray and ask God to open my spiritual alimentary canal and drain out the negative emotion, energy, and stress. The alimentary canal is another term for the gastrointestinal system, where food comes in and bowel content comes out. Spiritually, if negative comes in, then negative needs to go out. To bring in positive, feed on spiritually good things like reading your Bible, listening to praise and worship music, and studying and listening to Christian teaching.