by Janis M. Betz, RN, BSN
I was born in February 1962 and have been waiting for the day to prove that you can decelerate the aging process. This day has come. I do not look or act my age because I walk and talk the directions for ULTIMATE HEALTH, and it works. I also follow my blood-type diet.
The following are seven primary avenues that accelerate the aging process that lead down the road to chronic degenerative diseases, cancer, and ill health. By eliminating these avenues, you can decelerate your aging and disease process.
- Poor diet (excess protein/fat; malnutrition; enzyme depletion).
- Poor pure water intake (chronic dehydration).
- Poor colon function (constipation, Candida yeast, and parasites).
- Poor physical condition (obesity and inactivity).
- Exposure to free radicals, viruses, heavy metals, dental bacteria, geopathic stress, and toxic substances and chemicals in our environment and diet (toxic build-up, blocked detoxification pathways).
- Tobacco, caffeine, drugs, and excess alcohol use.
- Stress, chronic sleep deprivation, emotional distress, bitterness, and unforgiveness.
Free Radical Damage Ave. – Free radicals are also called oxidants (internal rusting). They are molecules in substances with unpaired electrons that react with “healthy” molecules in cells and rob them of electrons, thus causing the cell to become damaged, weak, and mutated (altered or changed), leading to cancer. Free radicals suppress the immune system’s response to fight infections and destroy damaged and cancerous cells. They are also believed to be responsible for our body’s aging process and degeneration (Challem, 4/97). The following are disease-causing factors that contain free radicals or increase free radical activity in your body:
- Pollutants in smog, auto exhaust, and tobacco smoke. “Tobacco smoke is the single most important cause of cancer in the environment today” (Weil MD, 1995, p. 183). There are over 2,000 chemical compounds that are generated by tobacco smoke, and many of them are poisons. Trichopoulos, M.D. estimates that about 30% of cancer deaths in the U.S. can be attributed to tobacco smoke, making tobacco smoke “the single most lethal carcinogen in the U.S.” (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997 p.582). Indoor toxic pollution needs to be considered as a causative factor for illness. “Sick Building Syndrome” is becoming a major problem, which results predominantly from poor ventilation. Sources of indoor pollution are as follows: aerosols; fumes from cleaning chemicals; volatile organic compounds released from particleboard desks, furniture, carpets, glues, paints, office machine toners, and perfumes; mold spores, and allergy producing microbes, mites, or animal dander (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997).
- Radiation from radon (invisible, odorless gas), x-rays, mammograms, computers, televisions, microwaves, excessive exposure to ultraviolet light (radiation) from the sun and tanning beds, and from the irradiation of all meat and some fruits to kill bacteria (Weil MD, 1995).
- Electrical magnetic waves from electrical appliances, electric blankets, and power lines (Weil MD, 1995). Anything plugged into an outlet and drawing electricity puts out about 4-5 feet of electrical magnetic field (EMF), disrupting your cellular and body chemistry balance. Many people have trouble sleeping with anything electric operating by their bed. I recommend moving all electrical devices 5 feet from the bed and not having anything plugged in behind your bed drawing electricity.
- A significant source of free radicals comes from our diet and our bodies due to burning food for energy and detoxifying hazardous substances that we eat (Challem, 4/97). Ed Blonz, Ph.D. (2/98) explains how our body produces free radicals. He states, “In the body, we depend upon a closely regulated form of oxidation [oxygen combining with substances] to release the energy locked in our foods. The problem with oxygen is that it can react with fats in the wrong places and at the wrong times and form unwanted free radicals–compounds that can destroy cells and are believed to be involved in the development of heart disease [by attacking blood vessel cells] and a host of other ailments [e.g., CANCER]” (p. 50). James R. Balch, M.D. (1997) identified that a high-fat diet can increase free radical activity, especially when cooking fats at high temperatures, particularly frying foods in oil. Your body produces antioxidant enzymes (free radical scavengers) that neutralize free radicals by binding up their free electron, thereby preventing cell damage. But, when your body is overwhelmed with excess free radicals, the antioxidant enzymes cannot completely stop free radical damage to the cells.
Geopathic Stress Ave. – The concept of geopathic influences on human health and cancer from underground magnetic disturbance of the earth took root in Germany in 1929. Several studies have been conducted that make a strong connection between cancer and sleeping/working in an area of geopathic stress. (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997). Magnetic disturbances are an abnormal energy field, usually of an electromagnetic nature, naturally generated deep underground by large mineral deposits, water streams, or geological faults. Subways can also artificially generate them. Instead of the Earth’s magnetic energy pulling down, the magnetic energy is displaced or altered to flow crosswise. These electromagnetic disturbances affect your health, from sleep disorders to cancer (Leviton 3/99).
Illness from geopathic stress occurs when the rotation or spin of the cells is changed, which interferes with cellular activity, such as removing toxins and absorbing nutrients. L. Mersmann, M.D. contributes geopathic stress to the impairment of health depending on the intensity and length of exposure to this electromagnetic disturbance. One large-scale study by the U.S. government reported that geopathic stress might be a factor in between 40 and 50% of all human cancers (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997).
I have found that placing Herkimer diamond host rocks or geodes (6-inch diameter) or Black Obsidian stones (2-3-inch diameter) at the four corners of the house or room will negate the effects of the geopathic stress lines going through the home. I carry Black Obsidian stones when I travel and put them around the bed wherever I stay. One night, I forgot, and I could not sleep; I got up, placed the rocks around my bed, and slept well. Another solution is to move your bed, desk, and/or favorite chair to a different area of the room and see if this does not make a difference in your health in a few months.
Virus Ave. – Hepatitis B virus can cause liver cancer, and another specific virus can cause leukemia. Papilloma viruses (sexually transmitted) contribute to genital and anal cancers. Epstein-Barr virus (causes mono) is linked to upper pharynx cancers, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s, and certain gastric cancers (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997).
Mercury Toxicity and Dental Factors Ave. – Researchers estimate that perhaps 50% of all chronic degenerative illnesses may be directly or indirectly linked to dental problems and modern dentistry techniques. Three dental avenues can contribute to the development of cancer and many other illnesses:
a) mercury (heavy metal) that leaches from silver dental fillings and migrates to body tissues; b) root canals with hidden, untreated infections; and c) teeth and gum infections. Mercury toxicity has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. Mercury is a heavy metal, and it acts as a free radical. Heavy metals in excess can block the enzymes necessary for the body’s detoxification process and weaken the immune system. The symptoms of mercury toxicity resemble general symptoms of toxic overload. If detoxification programs do not work, your mercury dental fillings may need to be considered as the likely cause (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997).
Root canals are another source of toxin production. It is very difficult to eliminate all the bacteria and toxins from the roots during the root canal procedure. Bacteria continue to be produced in the protein that remains in the tiny interconnecting canals. This bacterial infection may persist for years without your knowledge. When infections are present, toxins can leak into the bloodstream and depress the function of the immune system, leading to chronic degenerative diseases throughout the body (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997).
Xenoestrogens Ave. – These are chemical compounds with potent estrogen-like activity. They specifically stimulate the cells of the reproductive organs in both men and women to mutate and convert to cancer. Xenoestrogens are found in petroleum by-products, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and nonylphenols used in detergents, cosmetics, toiletries, and spermicides. Xenoestrogens are released from plastic and styrofoam when these items are heated, or hot foods/drinks are placed in them (Lee MD, 1996). Propylene Glycol is a common petroleum by-product (xenoestrogen) found in most deodorants, creams, and beauty aids. It is put into thousands of cosmetic preparations as a delivery vehicle and solvent. Xenoestrogens contribute to Estrogen Dominance Syndrome (EDS) in both men and women. Over 30 different illnesses are associated with EDS, such as fatigue, PMS, fat gain, depression, allergies, headaches, insomnia, infertility, and cancer of the breast, uterus, and testicles (Lee MD, 1996).
The synthetic hormone DES (diethylstilbestrol) is the predominate synthetic estrogen given to livestock and poultry to increase water and fat weight so they will be ready for market faster. When you buy meat, 40% is water and fat. Synthetic estrogen and the pesticide (xenoestrogen) laden grain that is given to livestock and poultry are fat soluble, so when you consume commercial animal products, you are consuming high doses of synthetic estrogens and xenoestrogens (Lee MD, 1996). Ralph Moss, Ph.D. (1996) states, “Synthetic hormone DES was shown to be carcinogenic (cause cancer) at the time it was discovered in the late 1930s. The story of DES is one of the great medical tragedies of the twentieth century.” (p. 364). The FDA (Food and Drug/Death Administration) is aware of the cancer-causing potential of DES, but has actively kept this cancer-causing product on the market because of pressure from the industries who make DES (Moss, 1996).
Blocked Detoxification Pathways/Avenues – The pathways for detoxification are the kidneys, skin, respiratory system, and bowels. The lymphatic system and liver are the primary detoxification organs. When your body is overwhelmed by the accumulation of free radicals, toxic chemicals, pesticides, synthetic hormones, xeno-estrogens, pollutants, and heavy metals from your environment and food, the normal routes of detoxification become overloaded and blocked. At this point, the enzyme system is stressed and cannot convert toxic substances to non-toxic. Max Gerson, M.D. explains that when there is a slow buildup of toxicity throughout the body, especially the liver, which is responsible for most of the body’s detoxification, this leads to a functional alteration of most systems, including the chemical balance between sodium and potassium in the cells. This develops degeneration and cancer (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997).
When your colon is not freely moving fecal matter out of your body every 8 -10 hours, toxins are absorbed back into your body, which further adds to a toxic overload. A blocked bowel will also prevent much of the lymphatic fluid from draining. The lymphatic system serves primarily as a filter for the bloodstream. Thickened, stagnant lymph that is overloaded with toxic waste is the ideal condition for the development of numerous illnesses, including cancer. When the lymph circulation is impeded, the entire body tends to become more toxic and oxygen-deprived. When women wear bras, the lymph channels and nodes of the armpit are not able to freely drain toxic lymphatic fluid. Studies have documented an increase in the incidences of breast cancer from wearing bras (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997). Wearing bras causes toxins to congest in the breast tissue. To make matters worse, the deodorant/antiperspirants that we use are loaded with toxic chemicals and xenoestrogens (propylene glycol), which will absorb into our breast tissue and break down the DNA in the cells, causing cancer.
An immune system that is overloaded with toxins, antigens, and partially digested protein molecules (animal products) will form complexes with antibodies called “immune complexes”. These “circulating immune complexes (CICs)” inhibit the macrophages’ ability to devour and destroy cancer cells and foreign invaders. They will also accumulate in soft tissues, causing inflammation and allergic reactions. These CICs further burden the detoxification pathways and stress the immune system. Pancreatic enzymes are needed to break down and convert CICs and toxins to harm-less substances, which are then excreted by the kidneys. Still, a toxic body burdens the enzyme system and prevents the metabolic enzymes from doing their job (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997).
Enzyme Depletion Ave. – Accelerated aging and diseases result when enzymes cannot be adequately produced or when essential elements such as minerals and trace elements (selenium, manganese, copper, and zinc) are lacking in the diet. For example, when there is an inadequate amount of the enzymes pepsin and protease along with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, proteins are not effectively broken down. When protein is not effectively broken down, then it will putrefy and form nitrosamines and ammonia, which are highly toxic compounds and known carcinogens (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997).
There is a prevailing theory that we are born with a certain capacity to make enzymes and that the supply of enzymes is limited and exhaustible. In other words, if we do not lessen the load on our body to produce enzymes, then we can conceivably run out of enzymes that can support life. The burden on our pancreas to produce enzymes to digest enzyme-deficient, cooked food may reduce the production of an adequate quantity of metabolic enzymes to repair body organs, fight disease, and stop the development and growth of cancer. Enzyme depletion leads to organ degeneration, cancer, aging, and death (Howell MD, 1983). Heat (107˚ and greater) from cooking, processing, and pasteurizing destroys enzymes, therefore, enzyme depleted food must depend on the pancreas to produce the enzymes needed for digestion. When you use most of your enzyme capacity for digestion, and less for running your body, you invite diseases (Howell MD, 1985, p. 139).
Hereditary Tendency Ave. – In families that are susceptible to cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases, it is proposed that one or more of the genes inherited are already mutated. Thus, the cell’s mutated gene(s) is more susceptible to cancer tumor growth and damage when subjected to free radicals, chemical substances, and viruses (Guyton MD, 1991). John McDougall, M.D. (1983) states, “Heredity determines to a large extent what strengths and weaknesses our bodies possess and, therefore, where our systems may first fail under a particular strain” (p. 16). I have a hereditary tendency to develop cancer, so I follow my directions to Ultimate Heath to prevent it. I also have a heredity tendency to have autoimmune problems, so I take metabolic enzymes, such as Fibrenza, to reverse the auto-immune process, thereby decelerating my aging process.
Stress Ave. including Emotional Distress, Bitterness, Un-forgiveness, and Sleep Deprivation – Study after study shows that when you are stressed, bitter, and deprived of sleep, the aging process accelerates along with the degeneration of your body. Your immune system also decreases in function and effectiveness. Emotional stress has been shown to adversely affect cell DNA repair (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997). Andrew Weil, M.D. (1995) states, “Given the growing body of research demonstrating links between the mind and the immune system, it is reasonable to assume that living with a lot of unexpressed or unfelt grief and anger doesn’t do you or your immunity any good.” (p. 190).
Acid Body Environment Ave.– accelerates the aging, disease, and cancer process. In his book, Damaged But Not Broken, Larry Burkett (1996) (cancer survivor) conducted extensive research into his disease. He wrote about research that Otto Warburg, Ph.D., had conducted on cancer. Dr. Warburg is a German scientist who won two Nobel prizes for his work in cell research. He uncovered two common factors in the appearance of cancer. First, cancer patients had an imbalance of pH in their muscle tissue, which meant that they had too much acidity in their bodies. Second, Dr. Warburg observed that cancer patients have an unusually high build-up of toxins in their bodies. Francisco Contreras, M.D. (1997) states, “Toxins are acidic in nature. When acids accumulate in the body, the system retains water to neutralize them. This causes weight increase and swelling. If more toxins are generated than the body can eliminate, the body stores them primarily in adipose fat and in the lumen of our arteries as cholesterol” (p. 288). Dr. Warburg further demonstrated that cancer cells could not grow in an oxygen-rich, alkaline environment; instead, they almost always depend upon oxygen-free(anaerobic) nutrition, for which sugar is the primary fuel. In normal cell metabolism, oxygen and glucose (blood sugar) are used in the cell to produce energy for the cell to function. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released from the cell as a waste product. Cancer cells only partially metabolize glucose without the presence of oxygen through a process called fermentation in which lactic acid is produced as a waste product instead of CO2. Lactic acid further contributes to the acid environment, stimulating cancer cell growth. The lactic acid is then converted back to glucose in the liver, and the cancer cell continues to thrive. Meanwhile, this process causes a larger energy drain, leading to frequent bouts of fatigue, and the body then pulls amino acids from your muscles to produce energy. This process leads to physical wasting or loss of muscle tissue. Hydrazine Sulfate has been shown to be effective in stopping this lactic acid/glucose cycle in the liver. Oxygen therapy has been shown to stop cancer cell growth. Magnetic (north) therapy has also been demonstrated to increase oxygen uptake by the cells, plus increase the pH of the body. The cellular increase of oxygen and alkaline pH stops healthy cells from converting to cancer cells and prevents cancer cell growth (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997).
Through extensive cancer research, Max Gerson, M.D. discovered that a high, refined salt intake stimulated cancer growth. Studies revealed that cancer cells contained a higher sodium content on the inside of the cell, whereas healthy cells contained potassium on the inside. Thus, a high salt diet promotes cancer growth (Gerson MD, 1990). Therefore, eliminating refined salt will help stop tumor growth and/or prevent its growth altogether, along with eliminating the foods in the Standard American Diet (S.A.D. diet) because they produce a strong acid environment in our body. The S.A.D. diet mainly consists of animal products, fat, processed and cooked food, white sugar, refined white flour, hydrogenated oils, and soft drinks.
The healthy body can handle moderate consumption of acid-producing foods such as small, non-estrogen, non-antibiotic meats and deep-sea fish, grains, seeds, and nuts. Eating more alkaline-forming food causes a slightly alkaline environment in our body, resulting in decreased cell and organ stress; and it stimulates the production of strong, disease-resistant cells and builds a strong immune system. Furthermore, alkalinizing the body fluids could push the normally acidic pH of the cancer cell toward an alkaline pH, which stops cancer growth (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997). “A primarily vegetarian diet will not only tend to keep the body less burdened by toxins, but it will directly support the body’s anticancer defenses” (Diamond MD, Cowden MD, Goldberg, 1997 p.754). At a conference I attended in April 1998, Joel Robbins, M.D. reported that it is not unusual for the average American to go 7-14 days without eating any alkaline, raw foods.
Since cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment, you can make a Maple Syrup/Baking Soda mix that I call a “Trojan Horse.” I learned about this mix from a client. It works when the cancer cell uptakes the maple syrup then the attached baking soda alkalizes the cancer cell and it dies. To make a “Trojan Horse”, bring 3 T. of maple syrup to near boil, whisk in 1 T. baking soda until mixture starts to get thick and caramelize. Put the mix into a glass bowl, let it cool, then take 1 t. 2-3 x/d.