2 Conscience Objection Exemption Request
Conscientious Objection Exemption Request
To whom this may concern,
I have a conscientious objection to participating in the COVID shot “vaccine” medical experiment using mRNA encoding Spike Glycoprotein (virus). According to the Nuremberg Code, “I have the right not to consent to participate in any medical experiment. I have the right to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint of coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the [COVID shots] involved to make an understanding and enlightened decision.” The mandate to force me to take the COVID experimental shots “vaccines” or receive a consequence if I do not is against the Nuremberg Code and my right to refuse to be experimented upon. I consider the threat of losing my job or being made to submit to frequent faulty PCR tests as a consequence. The PCR tests only detects coronaviruses, not “COVID,” because the “COVID” (SarsCoV2 “virus”) organism had never been isolated. Therefore, there is no material evidence it exisits and no tests have been effectively established to detect it.
I have a right to informed consent as to the ingredients of these COVID experimental shots “vaccines” and their corresponding safety data. It is also my understanding that the Moderna and Pfizer (Comirnaty) injections do not have any attenuated form of the intended organism within their solutions, which does not meet the vaccine classification. Currently, no studies have demonstrated that these COVID shots “vaccines” will protect myself or anyone from getting “COVID” or any of its variants. It is my right to review these studies if completed. These experimental shots, even if FDA approved, have not gone through the 3-10 year study period to prove Safety Efficacy per the FDA and CDC guidelines. It is my understanding that initial COVID shot “vaccine” studies have resulted in a high percentage of animal deaths.
Additionally, I am opposed to these COVID shots ”vaccines” because they use dangerous preservatives, petrochemicals, aborted fetal DNA/RNA, and foreign compounds such as mRNA encoding spike glycoproteins (virus), SM-102, and Graphene-Oxide, which can be Neuro, Immune, and Cardiac toxic, clot-inducing, and cancer-forming. The spike proteins have also been found to damage the capillaries causing micro-clotting leading to tissue death. As of Dec 10th 2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has reported the following: 19,886 deaths, 946,463 adverse reactions, and 32,644 permanent disabilities from receiving these COVID shots “vacciens.” I have learned that there are thousands of unreported deaths and cases of adverse reactions from taking these shots, such as heart attacks, strokes, neurological disorders, and cancers. I find the VAERS report findings; the components of these shots; and the potential health/death risks to be disturbing, unacceptable, and a peril to my life. I do not want to risk being a victum of these experimental shots “vaccines.” I do not consent to get any of theses experimental shots, and request to be exempted from receiving them. The Nuremberg Code states, “No experiment should be conducted where there is a prior reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur.”
Thank you for granting my request to be exempted from receiving any of these experimental COVID shots “vaccines.”
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