by Janis M. Betz, RN, BSN
Use warm pure water or prepare one of the following enema solutions:
- Lemon Juice – Put juice of 1 strained lemon in 1 qt. of warm water. [Detoxify and Cleanse].
- Epsom Salts – Add 1 T. of Epsom salts to 1 qt. of warm water. [Laxative – Expeller].
- Grass juice – Add 1 T. of any green grass drink (i.e., Barleygreen™ or Green Magma™ or Kao Green™) to the warm water. [Healing]
- Bentonite – (Bentonite Detoxification liquid) – 3 T. in 1 qt. of warm water. [Detoxification].
- Catnip Tea – Make a cup of tea and add to 1 qt. of warm water. [Cleansing – Soothing].
Coffee enema and Acidophilus/Bifidum (good bacteria) implant enema – See separate instructions.
All enema water/solutions should be between 100 – 102 ˚ F and prepared with distilled or purified water. Use a meat thermometer to measure temperature.
- Clamp the enema bag tube or hot water bottle enema tube closed, and remove any caps.
- Fill the enema bag or hot water bottle with pure, warm water or prepared solution.
- Open clamp to allow the water/solution to fill tube, and then close the clamp.
- Suspend the enema bag or hot water bottle 2 feet from the floor or place you are doing the enema by using a bent hanger or rope.
- Put a garbage bag down on the bathroom floor, and then a towel. I put it over a doubled-up camping mat cut just to fit my upper body.
- Lubricate the tip of the enema tube with K-Y jelly or olive oil.
- Start by lying on your left side with your knees bent toward your chest.
- Go between your legs and gently insert the enema tube several inches into your rectum or as far as the hot water bottle tip will allow you to go.
- Unclamp the clamp and allow the enema fluid to enter your rectum. You can control the flow by bending the tube between your fingers. The hot water bottle system tends to leak back out. If this happens, elevate your hips slightly.
- For a colonic style enema, turn on your back when the enema bag is half empty, and allow the rest of the water/solution to fill your transverse colon and then ascending colon.
- If you get an urge to have a bowel movement, stop the enema, and release the contents.
- You may add more warm water to the enema bag or finish what you have. Continue to administer the enema fluid to clean out your colon again.
- Massage your abdomen to help move the fluid and bowel contents out. Start at your bottom right, go up, across the top of your abdomen, and down your left side. Keep massaging until the enema solution and bowel contents are all out.
- If water gets trapped in the ascending bowel on the right side, lie on the floor and continue to massage your abdomen to get the water over to your descending bowel on the left side. It is helpful to elevate your pelvis/hips to have gravity encourage the emptying. Bending onto your lap while on the toilet may also help.
- It is ok if you feel you can’t get all the water out. Your body will absorb it.
Since enemas may wash out good bacteria, it is advisable to take a good bacteria (multi-probiotic) supplement before going to bed or do an implant enema right after a cleansing enema.
Note: If you need to do enemas on a regular basis to have a bowel movement, then there is a problem that needs to be addressed by your medical doctor.
- Grind 1-1 1/2 T. of fresh, organic coffee beans in a coffee grinder. If using the special air roasted coffee beans designed for enemas then you only need to use 1 1/2 – 2 t. Store beans in the freezer to maintain freshness. Don’t use pre-ground, instant, or decaffeinated coffee because they do not have the same effects.
- Put the freshly ground organic coffee in 1 1/4 cups pure water and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down and simmer for 10 minutes.
- Strain the coffee through a fine mesh strainer.
- Add 1 cup pure cold water to bring the temperature to about 102 – 104 degrees F.
If you have not had a recent good bowel movement, it is good to do a cleansing enema right before you do the coffee enema. When the lower bowel is cleaned out, you will have a greater ability to retain the coffee enema and a better liver cleanse result.
- Clamp the enema bag tube or hot water bottle enema tube closed. Remove any caps.
- Fill the enema bag or hot water bottle with the coffee solution.
- Open the clamp to allow the solution to fill the tube, and then close the clamp.
- Suspend the enema bag or hot water bottle so the bottom is 2 feet above the place you are doing the enema using a bent hanger or rope.
- Put a garbage bag down on the bathroom floor and then a towel. I also use a short camping air mattress or a doubled-up camping foam pad to fit my upper body.
- Lubricate the tip of the enema tube with K-Y jelly.
- Lie on your left side propped up (semi-sitting position). I prop myself on my laundry basket.
- Go between your legs and gently insert the enema tube several inches into your rectum or as far as the hot water bottle tip will allow you to go.
- Unclamp the clamp and slowly allow the coffee to enter your rectum by bending the tube together to control the flow. It should take 2-3 minutes to run the coffee into your lower colon. Remove enema tube. The hot water bottle system tends to leak back out. If this happens, lie down on your left side and elevate your hips slightly. When the solution is in, then get into a semi-sitting position.
- Hold the coffee solution in your lower descending and sigmoid colon for 10-15 minutes. Fight the urge to pass your bowels by taking deep breaths. If the urge comes during the flow, stop the flow until the urge passes. Squeeze your anus tightly like you are trying not to pass gas in public. It is also helpful to lie all the way down on your left side until the urge passes. Then prop up again.
- Expel the coffee and your colon contents.
In his book, A CANCER THERAPY, Max Gerson, M.D. had his cancer patients do coffee enemas every 4 hours or more to relieve severe pain, nausea, general nervous tension, and depression. Dr. Gerson writes that the coffee ingredients (i.e., caffeine and other substances) go through the hemorrhoidal veins directly into the portal veins and then into the liver, where the coffee stimulates the liver cells to increase the production of bile, opens the bile ducts, and promote greater flow of bile, which contains toxins. The goal of coffee enemas is to decrease the toxic load of the liver so that it can continue to clean your blood and body of toxins. Eteinne Callebout, M.D. states the same thing as Dr. Gerson, plus he discovered that the coffee enema further stimulates enzymes capable of removing toxins from the blood. This effect does not happen when the coffee is consumed by mouth. (Alternative Medicine, 2002).
Acidophilus/Bifidum (good bacteria) implant enema: Do a cleansing enema first.
1. Put 1 tsp. good bacteria powder or empty two capsules into 1 pint of warm water.
2. Follow the steps on giving a cleansing enema, except:
- Lie on your back after inserting enema tube.
- Run the implant enema solution in very slowly. It should take 7-10 minutes to get the solution into your colon.
- Hold back the urge to move your bowels by taking deep breaths, and stop the enema flow if the urge begins. Restart flow slowly after the urge passes. Try to hold the acidophilus enema for 10 -15 minutes.
CAUTION – If you have heart disease, uncontrolled high blood pressure, kidney failure, advanced colon cancer, severe diverticulitis, recent colon surgery, post chemotherapy, or any other reason for a weak bowel lining, proceed with caution in giving yourself an enema. You may want to consult your doctor first. If you choose to do an enema, give less fluid and deliver the enema very slowly.
The statements in this document have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose or treat any illness.
DISCLAIMER: If you choose to give yourself an enema of any kind, you are treating yourself, which is your right. This document is only a guide and not a treatment protocol. It is good to consult your doctor and other sources. The author assumes no responsibility should any harm occur