Fat Gain – Fat Loss
by Janis M. Betz, R.N., B.S.N.
Fat gain is an epidemic! Sadly, more and more children are victims of fat gain. Those who don’t gain fat no matter what they do are envied by those who have too much fat and can’t lose it no matter what they do. This situation is very frustrating to many people. I have clients who have been on almost every weight loss diet and/or products on the market, and they may lose 5-10 pounds, and then nothing. How frustrating! Next to digestion and bowel problems, weight problems drive people to try anything to lose weight. Millions of dollars are spent on diet books and diet products every year. With all this effort to lose weight, there should not be an obesity problem in this country.
Those of you who have read the various diet books have read the scores of pages blaming your current diet and lack of exercise for your fat gain. So now you know that your fat gain is your fault. Reason dictates that if what you are currently doing is making you gain fat, then stop it. This is simple, right? If it is just that simple, then WHY are we the fattest nation in the world? The problem in giving up what is making you gain fat is that the food causing the fat gain tastes so good. It is so hard to give up the food you love. Guess what? The food industry knows how much you love their fat gaining food, and they are more than happy to keep you fat. So now what do you do? You have choices to make. Do you eat the fat gaining food you love and stay fat and in ill health? Or, do you give up the fat gaining food and struggle to stay thin and healthier.
The problem I have with a lot of weight loss diets is that they advocate a radical departure from your current diet. They go to the extreme, by having you drink diet shakes, take diet pills, and/or eat excess protein and fat beyond your body’s requirements. So after you lose the weight on these radical diets, then you go right back to eating the fat gaining foods you love because they are everywhere. You go to the store, and you have to stand next to the fat gaining food in the checkout line while you wait to buy your quarter side of beef.
How can someone on a diet cope? Is there a conspiracy to keep you fat? Think about it. If the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) really cared about the obesity, heart disease, and cancer problems in this country, then the fast fat food industry would be sued and made to pay a very high tax, and fat gaining food would be taxed very high, just like cigarettes, to help pay for the treatment needed to treat obesity related problems, heart disease, and cancer. Let’s admit it; you love junk food, processed food, and fast fat food. It is a tremendous challenge to avoid eating them because they surround you.
I have a copy of an article called, “Is Joe Camel really so different from Ronald McDonald?” This article contrasts the ill health effects of smoking with the ill health effects of eating fast fat food. I want to quote just one sentence from this article. It states, “Unhealthy eating habits along with inactivity kill as many people as tobacco does.” This is why I say that health is a choice. What you choose to put into your mouth today and the living habits you choose today will positively or negatively affect your health tomorrow. In other words, you cannot expect to be healthy for very long when you eat junk food and lie around day in and day out.
I want to take the time to review some fat gaining foods. Some of the following information will contradict what you conventionally know. There are three primary fat gaining food groups to avoid. 1) Commercial (non-organic) meats, eggs, and dairy products contain the estrogen hormone, drugs and pesticide residue that stimulate fat gain hormonally. These products will also stimulate estrogen driven cancers in the breasts, ovaries, uterus, testicles, and prostate. If you are going to eat these foods, then buy organic. I want to expand on dairy. The only reason cow’s milk exists is to cause a 70 pound calf to grow to 400 pounds in 1 year. Cow’s milk was never designed for human consumption. You are not a calf, and you do not need to nurse from a cow. 2) Excess fat consumption packs in the calories in a small amount of food, and it does not fill you up, so you go back for more. Fat contains 9 calories per gram, and carbohydrates and protein contains 4 calories per gram. You can eat a lot of raw vegetables to stay full and still lose weight. 3) Refined white flour, white rice, cooked potatoes, and sugar break down quickly to glucose, which causes your insulin to store excess glucose in your fat cells. It also burns quickly, and you get hungry faster, therefore, you will eat more then you should.
Don’t be fooled by food labels saying low carbs, low fat, sugar free, fat free, and diet. These products contain a lot of fillers, chemicals, and bad additives to make their products taste good. For example, aspartame is a dangerous chemical that is used to sweeten “diet” drinks and products. This chemical has been proven to destroy brain cells. The FDA knows this, and they keep it on the market anyway. Food products marketed to dieters will not necessarily help you to lose weight. The toxins contained in these products fill the fat cells, and the fat will go nowhere if it is needed for storage. Processed and cooked foods are nutritionally poor and will not meet your body’s nutritional requirements. Eating these foods may make you feel hungry sooner, which will stimulate you to eat more calories, leading to fat gain.
There are three primary food groups that will help you to lose fat. 1) Eat all natural foods in their natural packages (i.e. apple). Raw fruits and vegetables will help you to lose weight. Locally grown, organic, fresh produce is the best, but if this produce is not available, then any raw produce grown in the USA is OK, preferably organic. Make sure that the produce is not irradiated (radiation sterilization). Often if the produce is from another country, the US will pump it full of radiation to kill any bacteria. If you need to cook the produce, then lightly steam it. 2) Consume deep sea, cold water fish (i.e. cod, mackerel, salmon, mahi mahi) and organic eggs. These sources of protein are easy to digest and their amino acids are more readily available for the body to use. The amino acids from meat protein (i.e. beef, chicken, pig) are tightly bound up, and are difficult for your digestion to break-down. 3) Choose complex carbohydrates (i.e. whole grains) because the glucose takes a long time to absorb in the small intestine and they tend not to be stored in fat. Complex carbohydrates increase your metabolic burn, which stimulates fat loss. Not all carbohydrates are bad.
I have found that the Blood Type Diet works. The best book to read on this subject is Live Right for Your Blood Type by PeterD’Adamo. There are certain foods that will stimulate fat loss or fat gain according to your blood type. This is why ‘one size fits all’ diets do not work! For example, Blood Type O people lose fat best when they follow a protein – low carbohydrate diet. On the other hand, Blood Type A people lose fat best by following a vegetarian – complex carbohydrate diet. Personally, when I gave up all wheat and corn products, I lost fat.
WATER! Don’t forget to drink your water. You need to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day (136 lb. = 68 oz. or 8½ c./day). This will help to flush the toxic material out of your fat cells. Lemon water is excellent to help with fat loss. If you don’t like the taste of lemon straight up, then add maple syrup to cut the pucker effect. Maple syrup is a long chain sugar and burns slower then sugar. Citrus Cleanse is also good to drink. To make Citrus Cleanse, put pure water, 1/4 C. real maple syrup, and the following fresh squeezed citrus in a 2 qt. jar: 1 grapefruit, 2 lemons, and 1 lime. The glucose in this Citrus Cleanse is slow to absorb, and it will supply your body with a steady fuel to keep your metabolism burning steadily. Every cell needs glucose to burn as fuel to give you energy.
Another key component to fat loss is to keep your bowels moving a large soft formed BM 2-3 times a day. If this is not happening then you need to make it happen. Fiber is very important. I like the fiber supplements that contain fiber, herbs, good bacteria, and a mild laxative, all in one formula. Drinking water with a fiber supplement is critical. I recommend a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions to get built-up stool matter out of your colon. If this can not be done, then I recommend a series of cleansing enemas. When you are not eliminating properly, then toxic material from your bowel will be absorbed into your body, which will be deposited into your fat cells. You do not want this to happen. Fiber will also bind to sugars and slow up absorption into your blood. Taking a fiber supplement before you eat will cut your hunger so you eat less.
There is a basic rule for fat loss to occur. For fat loss to occur, your caloric intake must not exceed your caloric burn. In other words, if you are eating 2000 calories a day but you are only burning 1500 calories throughout the day then the remaining 500 calories will be converted to fat. If you know that you can not get out and exercise, then consume less food that day. When you feel hungry, drink water or lemon drink, take a fiber supplement, and/or eat some raw vegetables.
I have clients who have followed all of my directions for fat loss to a tee and they still can’t lose weight or they get so far and then they can’t seem to lose any more fat. There are 4 main factors that contribute to the inability to lose fat. 1) A disturbance in the fat cells, such as toxins and emotions. I’ve been using Color Light Therapy to release these disturbances. 2) Genetic programming. Let me illustrate this by discussing women who have under-gone breast reductions. Breast size is a genetic program. I know many women who have surgically altered their breast size to be smaller only to have their breasts grow back to the original size many years later. Genetic programming is the most frustrating factor for fat loss. I am working on altering this program through Color Light Therapy. 3) Endocrine/gland malfunctions. This is a very complex subject, and it is difficult to understand. I have been successful in bringing the Endocrine System back into balance and functioning proficiently. 4) The lack of willpower, discipline, and determinationgreatly hinders fat loss success. There is no secret method or pill to give you willpower, discipline, and determination. Pray for it.
by Janis M. Betz, R.N., B.S.N.
Fat gain to the point of obesity goes hand in hand with heart disease. Fat gain particularly around your abdomen is often associated with a higher risk for heart disease than fat gain around your hips and thighs. Fat gain, along with high blood pressure, puts a greater strain on your heart, and the more fat that you have the greater the work-load on your heart. When your heart is working too hard, often Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) results. CHF occurs when your heart muscle becomes weak and does not pump your blood very well. When this happens, your lungs become congested with white frothy mucus, and your legs may swell with fluid. Fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath may also occur. Non-obese people may also develop CHF.
Heart disease is a chronic, degenerative disease. This disease accounts for almost one third of all deaths in Western countries, and most of these deaths result from coronary (heart) artery disease and high blood pressure. Coronary artery disease is caused by atherosclerosis, which is also called hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a thickening in the inside lining of the blood vessels caused by the formation of plaque from fatty substances, including cholesterol, in the blood.
The fat (triglycerides) and cholesterol circulating in the blood not only cause plaque formation, but also affect the consistency of the blood. John McDougall, M.D. (1990) gives this explanation: “When people eat rich foods [animal products], fats enter the bloodstream from the gut and coat the blood cells, causing them to stick together in clumps. The sludging that results decreases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues in the heart muscle” (p. 354). This sludging, caused by a high triglyceride (fat) level, affects all of the organs in your body. It contributes to the occurrence of diabetes, heart attacks, and poor blood circulation, which can result in chest pains, leg pains, and fatigue (McDougall MD, 1990). When sludging affects your brain, you become tired, lack energy, and have decreased mental alertness. The consumption of a lot of sugar and high glycemic index foods will often raise triglycerides.
Atherosclerosis not only affects the heart and its arteries, but also every artery in your body, which results in disease and abnormal function of that organ or system. Heart attacks and strokes are caused by the death of cells due to the absence of oxygen as a result of severe narrowing or complete blockage by a blood clot in an artery going to the heart muscle and brain. The symptoms of a heart attack are chest tightness/pressure, shortness of breath, discomfort extending up into your jaw and down your left arm, sweating, and fatigue. The ill effects of atheroscle-rosis may not appear for many years, which is why prevention is very important. Changes in diet and living habits are the single most effective means of preventing and reversing heart and vascular disease.
Atherosclerosis and adult-onset diabetes often occur together due to a high fat diet. John Robbins (1987) documents sources that state, “One of the reasons diabetes is the 8th leading cause of death in the United States is that diabetics are extremely vulnerable to atherosclerosis. Highly prone to heart attacks and strokes, their life expectancies are much shorter than normal” (p. 275). John continues, “Most diabetics eat the Standard American Diet. As a result, within 17 years of the onset of their illness, most diabetics today suffer a major health catastrophe such as heart attack, kidney failure, stroke or blindness” (p. 275). He further states, “It turns out that a common cause for the malfunction of the diabetic’s own insulin is the high level of fat in their blood. Thus the reduction of dietary fat, particularly saturated fat, can be of greatest significance to diabetics, for it lowers the concentration of fat in the blood, and thus allows their own insulin to do its job. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported a study in which 20 diabetics, all of whom needed insulin, were put on a high-fiber, very low-fat diet. After only 16 days, 45% of these patients were able to discontinue the insulin injections” (p. 276).
High cholesterol levels (>150 mg/dl) are mostly caused by eating meat and animal products. Vegetables contain no cholesterol! Your body naturally makes cholesterol (fat-like, waxy substance) to be used to make cell walls, sex hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids. You cannot live without cholesterol. But, if your cholesterol level runs between 210-220 mg/dl, then you run an average lifetime risk for developing some diseases, and if it is 260 or greater, you are five times more likely to die of heart disease. It is interesting to know that cholesterol is the main ingredient of more than 90% of gallstones.
Cholesterol has two parts: HDL (High Density Lipoprotein – good cholesterol) and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein – bad cholesterol). Your HDL needs to be greater then your LDL. If your total cholesterol is over 200 but your HDL is significantly higher then the LDL, then you are at a lower heart disease risk. There are several reasons for an elevated cholesterol level: 1) Heredity; 2) Eating the Standard American Diet); 3) Poor liver function; 4) Renal dysfunction; 5) Endocrine dysfunction; 6) Diabetes; 7) Tobacco smoking; and 8) Lack of exercise.
Homocysteine levels have become an important determinant of heart disease because it was found that you can have a normal cholesterol level and still have heart disease. Homocysteine is responsible for oxidizing cholesterol (converting it to a free-radical substance, which damages your blood vessels) and producing atherosclerosis. Your liver responds to the vessel damage by producing cholesterol to repair it. Co-Enzyme Q 10 is a powerful antioxidant/free radical scavenger, and it is helpful in stopping oxidized cholesterol from damaging your blood vessels. Pro-Lysine-Ascorbs (Amino Acids, Proline and Lysine and Vitamin C) also help to strengthen your blood vessels. Homocysteine is a by-product of protein metabolism; mainly from red meat and dairy.
Hypertension (high blood pressure – ³ 150/90) can be a life-threatening disease if not diagnosed and treated. It occurs when “the blood vessels are made non-elastic and are clogged with the plaques of atherosclerosis; the fats in our diet cause the blood to sludge and the vessels to spasm. All this leads to a serious resistance to the easy flow of the blood. This resistance causes the pressure to rise, just as the pressure in a garden hose goes up when you press a finger over the nozzle” (McDougall MD, 1990, p. 364). Fatty deposits lining your arteries cause them to narrow, so that your heart has to work harder to pump blood through your organs. This results in an increased pressure in not only your heart and arteries, but also in all of the organs in your body. Hypertension can also result from kidney disease, chronic dehydration, hormonal disorders, obesity, heredity, and high commercial salt intake. A high salt intake may cause water retention in some people, which over-loads the cardiovascular system. Chronic dehydration causes cells to lose water into the circulation, thus closing down capillary beds in some areas. This causes an increase in blood pressure by making your heart work harder to pump blood through the collapsed capillaries. By drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of pure water a day, your capillaries may stay open. Plus, water by itself is the best natural diuretic.
I encourage you to get a blood pressure cuff and monitor your blood pressure regularly. The upper number measures the health and resiliency of your blood vessels, and the low number measures how hard your heart is working. If you have blood vessels that are clogging, then your heart has to work harder to push the blood through them, therefore both numbers will be elevated. Dehydration, thick blood, and excess body fat will also elevate both numbers. Simply drinking water and taking garlic or 500 mgs. of salmon oil may help lower blood pressure. Also, not all salt is bad. The natural sea salt or Celtic sea salt have other minerals in them that may help keep your blood pressure normal by causing water to flow in and out of your cells better. Lastly, stress and emotional distress are yet another cause for high blood pressure. There are some stress-reducing remedies that may help, such as Valerian, Evening Primrose oil, and homeopathic stress remedies.
The saturated fat and cholesterol in animal products are the predominant sources of cholesterol and fat circulating in the blood. Information about diet and lifestyle and their cause of heart disease has been so widely broadcast on radio, TV, in newspapers, magazines, and books, yet many people still eat a high fat, high cholesterol diet! This is why heart disease is the #1 cause of death. People often choose to have heart disease!
In summary, drinking a Merlot red wine (Jacob’s Creek is the best), and taking supplements such as Coenzyme Q10, garlic, essential oils, and fish oil, particularly salmon oil, may help to maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels and overall cardiovascular health. Strengthening your blood vessel wall with Vitamin E and Pro-Lysine-Ascorbs by Alacer Corp. (Amino Acids – Proline and Lysine and Vitamin C) may help to eliminate the need for the increased cholesterol to patch weak vessel areas. Eliminating sugar and high glycemic index foods may decrease triglycerides because excess insulin will push glucose (sugar) into the fat cells in your blood and create more fat cells circulating in your blood. Decreasing or eliminating the consumption of red meats and dairy products may help to decrease blood vessel damage from homocysteine. Drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water a day and taking garlic and lecithin may help to regulate your blood pressure.
Disclaimer and Caution: Garlic, Vitamin E, Salmon oil, and Essential Fatty Acids, have a tendency to prevent clotting and clumping of your blood cells, and should be taken with extreme caution when taking aspirin and prescription blood thinners (i.e. Coumadin). If you choose to take both prescription and health benefiting blood “thinners”, then take 2-4 hours apart. Also, as you become well, you may develop side-effects to drugs or problem related to taking a drug you may not need anymore. If you are taking prescription drugs, and you choose to self-treat using natural remedies, then you need to closely monitor your health situation (i.e. easy bruising and daily monitor your blood pressure).
Batmanghelidj, F, M.D., (1992), Your Body’s Many Cries for Water.
Clayman, C.B., M.D. (Medical editor), (1994), The American Medical Association, Family Medical Guild.
Goldberg, B., (2002), Alternative Medicine The Definitive Guide.
McDougall, J.A., M.D., (1990), The McDougall Program.
Robbins, J. (1987), Diet For A New America.
The Low Glycemic Index (GI) Diet
by Janis M. Betz, R.N., B.S.N.
The following information comes from the book, The low GI diet Revolution by Dr. Jennie Brand-Miller and Kaye Foster-Powell (2005).
I have found that the low Glycemic Index (GI) diet, along with the directions to ULTIMATE HEALTH and the Blood Type diet, is a very effective way to lose weight and keep it off as long as you consis-tently choose low-GI foods. Glycemic Index simply means the glucose (end byproduct of carbohydrate digestion/metabolism) absorption rate from the small intestine when a particular food is eaten. In other words, the GI is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates (glucose) enter your bloodstream. It compares carbohydrates weight for weight, gram for gram. For example, the GI of liquid glucose (sugar) is 100 (used as the compare standard). The same weight/gram of brown rice is 50 and Jasmine white rice is 109. All three are equal parts, but have different absorption rates. A low-GIfood is 55 or less. A moderate-GI food is 56-69, and a high-GI food is 70 or more. So, brown rice is a healthier choice to eat then Jasmine white rice.
When you eat a low-GI food, glucose absorption is gradual so that your insulin does not spike, thereby stimulating fat burn along with glucose burn. The low-GI insulin rise was comparable to eating high-protein foods. Eating low-GI foods maintains a steady metabolic rate (calorie burn). It also makes you feel fuller and satisfied longer, which will suppress your appetite causing you to eat less food. If you eat less food, then you will not be consuming calories beyond your calorie burn rate therefore, you will lose weight. HURRAY!
Eating upper moderate and high-GI foods cause a sharp elevation of insulin in the blood. Some people have insulin resistanceproblems, which will block weight loss, increase heart disease (i.e. high blood pressure), and bring on type two diabetes. Interestingly, diets with too much fat, especially saturated fat, and too little carbohydrate can also make you more insulin resistant. The role of insulin in the blood is to open cells so that glucose can enter and be used for energy. Insulin also inhibits the release of fat from fat stores. When someone is insulin resistant, they may tend to store fat inside of muscle cells and around the waist; have higher fat (triglycerides) circulation in the blood; and increase fat stores in the liver leading to “fatty liver,” which will stimulate elevated liver enzymes. High insulin levels also increase the factors responsible for blood clotting, which may increase your risk for a blood clot to form. A healthy low-GI diet combined with exercise is the best way to keep insulin levels under control over the course of the day.
Meat, eggs, seafood, and fat/oil have no GI.
Dairy, nuts, and seeds have a predominantly low-GI due to high protein and fat values.
Beans and legumes have a low-GI due to high protein value.
Grains and starches:
Bagel, white – 72
Barley, pearled, boiled – 25; rolled, raw – 66
Bread, multigrain – 65; 9 grain bread – 43
Bread, Spelt whole grain – 54; Soy – 55; Rye – 51
Bread, stone-ground wheat – 59; Sourdough wheat – 54
Bread, white – 71; whole wheat, enriched wheat flour – 70
Ezekiel bread has a very low to negligible-GI
Buckwheat – 54
Bulgur, cracked wheat – 48
Cornmeal – 68; corn on cob – 48
Couscous, boiled 5 min – 65
Muesli, natural – 49
Millet, boiled – 71
Oat bran – 55
Oatmeal, instant – 82
Oatmeal, old-fashioned rolled – 51; steel-cut – 52
Pasta: Cooked with a firm texture has a lower GI
Fettuccine, egg – 40
Durum wheat – 46-52
Whole-wheat and Spelt – 42
Rice – 92
Rice, whole-grain, stone-ground– low-GI
Quinoa – 53
Basmati, white – 58; brown – 50, other sources – 48
Instant, white – 87; Jasmine, white – 109
Uncle Ben’s long-grain, parboiled – 38
Wild – 57
Rice cakes, white – 82
Rice milk – 92
Parsnips – 97
Potato, regular – 85; Sweet – 46
Vegetables have a negligible GI.
Fruit: have a low GI, with the exception of the following:
Apricots – 57
Cantaloupe – 67; Watermelon – 76
Cherries – 63
Papaya – 56
Pineapple – 59
Most frequently eaten fruit:
Apple and Pears – 38
Bananas – 52
Grapes and Kiwi – 53
Grapefruit – 25 (lemons and limes are as low)
Orange – 42
Peach – 42
Plum – 38
Condiments: All spices have negligible GI
Chocolate, dark, plain and milk – 41
Honey, 100% pure – 55
Maple syrup, pure – 54
Once again, weight loss comes down to choices!
JBetz Fat Loss & Heart Health / Lifestyle Program
by Janis M. Betz, R.N., B.S.N.
Fast on 2 qts. of Citrus Cleanse (plus water if over 135 lbs.) per day for 3-7 days per month. For fat loss, do the Citrus Cleanse every other day until reach desired weight. (If you need to, eat raw vegetation food only.)
Choose food from your Blood Type Diet. Do not eat from the avoid list. Take a high quality multi-mineral and an Essential Fatty Acid (fish oil, flax oil)
High Fiber: Choose one of the following:
2 apples; 1 grapefruit; 2-3 (5″) spelt pancakes; 2 oatmeal muffins; 2-4 (3″) oatmeal cookies (no raisins); or 1 cup oatmeal with 2 T. oat bran; 1 C. brown rice cereal or granola.
You may have almond milk only; 1-2 T. maple syrup; and 1-2 t. of organic butter, if needed.
Blood Type O and B need protein in the AM, i.e. organic eggs, fish, beans. NO PIG!
1 hour later start the Citrus Cleanse:
Drink 1-2 quarts of CITRUS CLEANSE per day.
(If over 200 lbs., drink 2 qts./day plus water.)
In a 2qt. jar add the following fresh squeezed citrus juice, maple syrup, and then pure water:
1 grapefruit
2 lemons
1 lime
Wash well. Organic is best.
1/4 C. real maple syrup
Stir or shake before drinking.
Drink 1/2 hr. between veg./grass juices/meals.
Fast if possible or eat 1-2 apples or grapefruit and/or raw vegetables or a small salad with a lemon & olive oil dressing (1/2 hour after fruit).
Continue the Citrus Cleanse drink.
1. If you eat meat, eat one serving of organic meat according to your Blood Type, every other day, baked, boiled, or steamed. FISH IS BEST (not farm raised). One serving equals the size of a deck of cards. An alternate protein would be 1 cup of white beans or 2 organic eggs.
2. On the opposite day of eating organic meat, eat a complex carbohydrate food (that means nothing white or refined); i.e. 1 cup Indian basmati brown rice, brown rice pasta (Tinkyada) or quinoa. Be creative in preparing these whole grains. Limit organic butter to 1-2 tsp.
3. Eat 1 cup lightly steamed or raw vegetable every evening. NOTE: Corn, lima beans, and potatoes are NOT vegetables. Do NOT microwave any food or drink! Microwaving alters the molecular structure of the food/liquid (converts to a free radical), which when consumed, damages your cells.
4. Eat a medium to large dark green leafy salad with raw vegetable toppings every evening with 2-3 T. of Maple Dressing or GingerGarlic Dressing.
One – two hours after dinner – take a fiber supplement or mix and eat 2 Tbsp. each of raw oat bran, applesauce, and prune juice.
If hungry before bed, choose one of the following: apple, grapefruit, or oatmeal cookie.
Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day. Herbal and green teas and Citrus Cleanse are acceptable. (150 lbs. = 75 oz. = 9 1/2 C.)
EXERCISE every day for 20-30 minutes! Choose what works best for you (i.e. brisk walking, stair steps, swimming, bicycling, yoga stretches, trampoline). Always stretch before and after exercising.
Follow the directions to ULTIMATE HEALTH.
Difficulty in losing weight is often related to many things. 1) Toxins stored in fat cells keeps them fat. It may be important to go on a detoxification program first to have weight loss success. 2) Poor digestion, liver congestion, and constipation (≤1 BM/day)stimulates waste weight and it interferes with nutrient absorption, which stimulates hunger. 3) Eating “Diet” foods and the Standard American Diet, which is often processed, will stimulate weight gain. 4) Disturbances in the fat cells (i.e. emotions, toxins).
It has been proven that a low-glycemic-index diet (high fiber-complex carbohydrates) along with raw organic food (high enzyme-nutrition) will stimulate metabolism (fat burn) and weight loss.
Benefits of drinking Citrus Cleanse:
1. Cleanses and flushes toxic material out of cells.
2. Helps to dissolve mucus throughout the body.
3. Stops the body from going into starvation mode so fat will burn.
4. Curbs appetite and stops hunger pain.
5. Alkalizes the body and supplies it with vitamins, minerals, and glucose for all cellular function.
When your fat cells start to empty, they will dump toxins into your blood. You may experience detoxification symptoms, i.e. headache, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, congestion, etc. This is a good thing. It needs to happen. YOU ARE NOT SICK!