by Janis M. Betz, RN, BSN

Lean Testing is a valuable tool to assist you in making the decisions necessary to treat yourself, which is your constitutional right. This test helps you determine what foods, herbs, vitamins, and products are good for you, if you need them, and how much you need. It can also help you detect your deficiencies, under-functioning and/or over-functioning organs, glands, tissues, joint displacements, and food intolerances.

Lean Testing works the same way as Muscle Resistance Testing. To understand how the lean test and muscle test work, you need to realize that your body is very electrical. Your nervous system transmits electrical impulses throughout your body. Your brain is a part of your nervous system, which sends and receives these electrical impulses. Specifically, there are eight nerves from your spinal column (T5-12) that come together at the front of your lower chest area, which is called the Celiac Ganglion or Plexus. This area contains a very dense concentration of nerve fibers, which has a constant flow of “electrical” nerve impulses to and from your brain.

Your “electrical” nervous system will respond to the electron energy being emitted by a food or product when it is held up to your nerve gang-lion/plexus in your lower chest area. To understand electron energy, you need to know that everything on earth and in the universe has its own specific molecular/electron configuration. Energy is produced when electrons move around the nucleus of a molecule in a substance (i.e., food, herb, chemical, clothing, etc.). This energy can be positive or negative, and it causes a weakness or strength in your body. It will also cause sickness or wellness.

The lean test works when you ask a question about a clothing article, food, or product you are holding or you ask a question about what is happening in your body. Your nervous system will respond by causing you to lean back for “no” or lean forward for” yes”. Your nervous system can do this because your brain knows everything that is happening inside your body. It knows your nutritional deficiencies and your body’s weaknesses.

Discernment for yes/no answers have been used throughout the Bible. In Exodus 28:30, Aaron wore a device called Urim and Thummim in his breastplate over his heart. The Urim and Thummim were sacred lots, which were cast in order to obtain a yes or no answer from God to specific questions (see 1 Sam. 14:41-43). When I did a bible search on casting lots, I found 14 references. The Sign of the Fleece by Gideon in Judges 6:36-40 was another example of a search for discernment.

I learned of the lean test in 1998 when I was reading a book called “Stop Your Tinnitus” by Phyllis Avery. This was a fairly technical book about ringing in the ear. Halfway through the book, the author talks about food allergies as a possible cause of tinnitus and describes in one paragraph how you can find out if a food may be causing your ears to ring. Through the years, I found that not everyone could do the lean test. I’ve been able to identify and correct these interferences.

To do the lean test, do the following:

  1. Stand with your feet neutral (shoulder width apart) and your body weight evenly distributed over your legs.
  2. Establish which way is “yes” by asking the question, “Which way is yes?” You will get a lean back or forward. “Yes” should be forward. If you lean backward, then your Central Nervous System and/or Energy System may be out of balance, and you may be “poled backward.” To correct your Central Nervous System and Energy System balance, follow steps 4 and 5 under the topic of “Lean Testing Interferences.”
  3. If you get no lean at all, then review and eliminate any interference that may be a cause. See the list of Lean Testing Interferences.
  4. Hold the food/product in front of you. Ask yourself, “Is this ______ beneficial/good for me?” Your nervous system will draw you forward for yes or backward for no. Lack of movement means neutral. If you get a sideways lean or bobbing, ask the question differently or more specifically.
  5. You can use the lean test to find out if you need a supplement and how much you need. Hold the supplement in front of you and ask, “Do I need this ______?” If your nervous system leans you forward, then you can ask more specific questions as to the amount you may need, such as “Do I need one tablet a day?” You would continue to ask various amounts until you get a lean backward. At this point, you would take the amount that your nervous system last leaned forward for. When your Autonomic Nervous System is out of balance, your dose will be high.
  6. You can use the lean test to try to figure out what is going on in your body. If you are having pain or a problem in a part of your body, ask, “I am having pain/problem in my __________ (location). Why?” “Is it __________?” Keep asking questions until you get a forward “yes” lean. Then, you can use the lean test to figure out how to correct the pain or problems, i.e., change in diet, take a supplement, etc. For example, “I have pain/discomfort between my shoulder blades. Why?” Is it my stomach? Is it my spine? Is it my gallbladder? Etc. When you identify what the problem is, then lean test the remedy. If you lean yes to gallbladder, ask, “Should I do a Liver/Gallbladder Flush?” “Should I take Beta TCP?” Etc. The best anatomy and physiology book that is easy to read and understand is a DK book called HUMAN BODY. The ISBN # is 0-7894-7988-5. You can use this book to help you identify your problem.

Lean Testing Interferences
I have discovered that the following eight issues may interfere with the lean test results.
These interferences need to be rectified to be successful.

  1. Negative, skeptical attitude (i.e., doubt)
  2. Wearing synthetic clothing will weaken you and interfere with your nervous system’s function and response. Remove your shoes and any synthetic fiber clothing, i.e., polyester.
  3. Energy depletion or lack of strength due to physical illness or nutritional deficiency.
  4. Energy System imbalance: You have energy pathways that may be congested or shut down, which may skew the lean test.
  5. Central Nervous System imbalance: This may be caused by battery-operated devices next to your body, i.e., watch, cell phone, etc., or having poor quality metal next to your body, i.e., glasses, earrings, and jewelry. Remove these items. Body piercing down the middle of your body causes a major nervous system interference. Having your locations turned on your cell phone is a significant interference. Cell phones can have 3-4 different location settings. Poor back alignment may be an interference. Stand straight with your buttocks pulled in and shoulders pulled back.
  6. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) imbalance: You may have eaten something way off your Blood Type diet. Take 1 Intenzyme Forte split and 1/2 of a 500 mg N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC). Put Vitamin E oil on the scars. Tuning fork therapy helps rise your fibration and balance your Autonomic Nervous System.
  7. Powerful electrical-magnetic fields (EMF) near you in your environment, i.e., power lines, computers, operating appliances, etc. Obtain a diode or EMF-busting devise to correct this.

Finger Resistance Test
There are several finger resistance tests that you can do.

Strength = YES and weakness = NO.

Finger Pull Test:

  1. Make an “OK” sign with your fingers (index finger and thumb meet together to make a ring. Now loop the two “OK” signs together like when you make a paper ring garland for the Christmas tree. The index finger and thumb meet within the space of the other index finger and thumb ring.
  2. Try to pull your fingers apart to break through the bond of the ringed fingers. You should have a lock with equal strength and not break through. You can also use the hooked index finger of your dominant hand to try to break through and separate the fingers of your non-dominant hand.
  3. Designate which hand will weaken, which is usually the non-dominant hand. Ask the question, “What is no?” You should be able to break through the bond of the non-dominant hand finger ring. Don’t squeeze your fingers too tightly. You just want to break through a locked finger ring. Now ask, “What is yes?” You should not be able to break the finger ring bond.

Finger Rub Test:

Another discernment method is to rub your thumb between your pointer and middle finger like the money sign. When you ask, “Which finger is yes?” your thumb will move to either the pointer or middle finger. Then ask, “Which finger is no?.” Again, if you ask a question and your thumb stays in the middle, that means neural or ask more specific questions.