by Janis Betz, RN, BSN

Starseed Neetwork had the best explanation of orgonite that I found on the internet.

What Orgonite Is and How It Works – Starseed Network

Orgonite is primarily made from metals chips (Copper, Brass, Aluminum curls & etc), polyester resin (fiberglass resin and quartz crystal. It works continuously to transmute or process negative orgone/chi/qi or other energies into positive form only.

Organic substances attract and hold Scalar/Orgone charge, while metallic substances tend to repel it. Basically, Orgonite pulls in the Bioenergy, and while the energy is inside the device. The metal particles and organic resin both push and pull on it in all directions at the same time. This puts friction on the energy. The friction is great enough at many small points within the matrix to cause the energy to shift upwards in spectrum to Aether, so that it temporarily ceases to exist as a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. When the energy come back out of the device, it collapses back into an organized, defined state and comes into existence as bioenergy/magnetism.

Quantum physicists have discovered that subatomic particles pop in and out of existence as thy shift state back and forth between the states of matter and Aether. The same effects take place with waved energies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Those wave patterns are a large part of what makes the bioenergy “healthy” or “unhealthy” for you and other life forms. This same Aetheric flux within the Orgonite has the effect not only of changing Bioenergy from one form to another, but also the property of ‘generating’ Bioenergy when stimulated by other kinds of energy…like light, sound, physical motion, or electricity.

Many devices which employ Orgonite Matrix Material function as Bioerergy Generators, but Orgonite does not actually generate Bioenergy, in the truest sense of the word. Orgonite, when excited with other forms of energy, both converts a portion of the energy used to excite it into bioenergy, and draws additional energy from Aether, and releases it as Bioerergy. Having understood this, for practical intents and purposes, it can be said that Orgonite ‘Generates Orgone’ on demand when excited by scalar waves, magnetic fields, heat, sound, light, electrical energy, kinetic energy, and bioenergy.

I am adding Shungite stones to the matrix of the Orgonite for the following reasons:

  • Shungite causes a right spin of energy all around us, pushing out negative energy and keeping our energy field in motion. Stagnated energy slows down our body processes and system functions leading to ill health.
  • Shungite both deflects and protects us from electromagnetic radiation, which is detrimental to all areas of our health.
  • Shungite has a grounding ability, causing negative energy to exit our body and energy field.
  • Shungite creates a microvortex that keeps everything in an active state.

Shungite comes out of Russia. Many Russian scientists have done studies using shungite for therapeutic purposes which demonstrated its effectiveness and its ability in stimulating immune system defenses and in reactivating healing processes. If you want to learn more about Shungite, I recommend the book “Shungite – Protection, Healing, and Detoxification” by Regina Martino.

Many people are not aware of the negative impact that cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi/routers, and technology have on overall health. These types of technology disable the neurological/brain connection to the immune system and its response to infection and cancer. When the location function is turned on in your tablet, i-pad, or cell phone, the satellite connection to the device disrupts the brain and immune system function. It is important to turn off all your locations (there could be up to 4) to stop the damaging effect. The radio broadcast SiriusXM and TV Dish satellite services have the same impact on your brain and immune system. The 5G cellular tower and satellite technology are also emitting frequency waves that will further compromise your brain and immune function. The shungite/orgonite device helps protect our brain and immune system keeping them functioning at peak performance. Place the shungite/orgonite device next to or on top of your router/Wi-Fi and/or satellite receiver. Placing one device in the four corners of your home is even more protective.

Making Shungite/Orgonite Devices (

This device is designed to neutralize bad energy (i.e. electric magnetic fields from electrical devices, such as cell phones, computers, overhead florescent lights, satellite energy etc…). It creates a right energy spin for your neurological and immune system and all cells to function healthfully.


12oz glass or plastic drinking cup

Copper Wire – 16 gauge for coil

Pennies pre 1980 – (optional)

Scripture paper of Palms 35:1-8, 37, 91, and 140 reduced to 50% or less

Quartz crystal about 2 inches long and ¾ inch wide from Bey’s Rock – (610)-369-0180

Copper scrubbies – pure copper (not coated) – Chore Boy

Aluminum foil (heavy duty) or already shredded aluminum from

Shungite water purifying stones from SLife

Resin (fiberglass) 1 qt. (in the auto section) – Bondo

Large craft sticks – tongue depressor size

Skewer sticks

Latex gloves

Sturdy disposable plastic cups

Measuring devices – 1/8th cup and ¼ tsp.

Vegetable spray

Optional item to make the device more effective:

Cape May Diamonds, which are quartz stones from the Sunset Beach of Cape May. You may also try to use crushed up quartz pieces or junk crystals.


Cut up about 10 pure copper scrubbies into tiny particles.

Shred or cut up aluminum foil into small pieces – about 1 cup or purchase shredded aluminum

Make a coil from the 16-gauge copper wire or a 10 gauge (length needed will be different)

Fold a 22-inch wire in half and then start coiling leaving a small gap between the wire.

From the folded half side start coiling it having the ends terminate on the opposite side of the coil.

To make the coil with the two ends bent up to extend out of the cup, you will need to cut about 40 inches copper wire. To thwart the satellite energy, make three of these coils making sure the coil center is turning to the right.

PRODUCTION: (Once you start, you need to work at a steady pace before the resin starts to harden. It is best to work at temps 65 degrees or less. The warmer the room, the faster that the resin will set up.)

  1. Lay out aluminum foil as a surface protection
  2. Spray the cup with vegetable spray so the finished product can be easily removed.
  3. Mix 3oz (6 T.) of resin and 1/4 tsp. hardener together with the craft stick in a doubled up disposable plastic cup, and pour a small amount in the 12 oz. cup.
  4. If you chose to date and sign the devise, then put it on a piece of paper, and put it down at the bottom in the resin.
  5. Put the pennies on the bottom, if you wish.
  6. Put the copper coil on top of the pennies with the center of the coil turning to the right.
  7. Put more resin in to cover the copper coil.
  8. Start to layer the shungite stones and quartz pebbles (op) and aluminum and copper pieces.
  9. Mix up more resin and hardener and stir into the metal/stone matrix with a skewer stick.
  10. Put the folded-up scriptures into the matrix.
  11. Continue to layer the metal/quartz/shungite matrix and mix in the resin and hardener. Repeat until filled.
  12. Place the quartz crystal into the metal/quartz/shungite matrix/resin mix and continue filling the cup leaving the crystal point out at the top of the matrix/resin mix.
  13. Set aside and let cure over-night. Remove from cup, and file the rough edges around the top.

You can also make orgonite devices in a popsicle mold. Put the coil on the side of the mold. I put a penny in the middle of the folded-up scriptures. Use a small 1-inch crystal in the middle. Carry it in your left pocket.