Muscle Resistance Testing

Muscle Resistance Testing is a muscle weakness/strength test that enables you and the discerner to determine what your body needs without endless trial and error experiences. Your body is biologically programmed to know what it requires for ultimate health. This service is designed for you and the discerner to communicate with your body’s physical, emotional, psychological, nutritional, spiritual, and energetic requirements so that you can live a fuller and healthier life.

Muscle Resistance Testing works when your nervous system causes weakness or strength in a muscle group when asked a question about your health or nutritional needs. This can be done while reclining on a flat surface with your arm raised. The discerner will then place a food or product on your body, and if your body needs the product, the arm will be strong, and if the product is unnecessary or harmful, the arm will be weak.

Intuitive Discernment

Janis Betz is a Nurse Intuitive Discerner. An Intuitive Discerner has the gift of knowledge and divine spiritual insight to identify and understand what is not physically evident concerning health, emotional, and spiritual issues.  Janis uses this gift and her training in traditional and alternative medicine and nutrition to answer why a person is not well, and she identifies what is needed to achieve wellness.

Discernment means the quality of skill to determine what is hidden or obscure. We gain wisdom by reading and studying “the word of God, which is a discerner of the thoughts, and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). According to Hebrews 5:14, mature Christians “who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” This scripture also implies that we develop skills in using God’s word for discernment, practicing, and applying the principles of God’s word to all of life. Proverbs 2:3 encourages believers “to cry out for discernment and lift up their voice for understanding.” Proverbs 2:1-11 is filled with scripture on how to gain discernment. If you lack discernment, pray for it, believing to receive it (James 1:5).

We can pray for discernment, which is a gift from God. It says in 1Corinthians 12:4, 10, 11 that “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” Spiritual gifts are given as God wills. It says in Ephesians 1:9, “Having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself.” The concept of God’s will is not easy to understand, nor how He chooses to distribute these various gifts to believers. I pray you will be open to receiving the mystery of God’s will and His spiritual gifts.

Why did God choose me to receive the spiritual gifts of discernment and healing? John 15:16 offers the best explanation. Jesus states, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.” We need to ask for discernment. Another example of bearing fruit and receiving more from God is in the parable of the Ten Minas in Luke 19:12-26. Jesus says in Luke 19:17, “And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.” From this scripture, we can see that if we are fruitful and prosper in the little things first, God sees the nature of our heart and wills or gives us more.

Hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit
I have been spiritually sensitive, discerning, and hearing from the Holy Spirit for as long as I can remember. Reflecting on my days working on a head-injury rehab unit, I was sensitive to the unit’s overall energy, whether or not we would have a good evening, or if a patient was going to die. It is not something you can train someone to do. I think it is a part of how God designs people to be.

Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit requires the gift of discernment and sensitivity to hearing His still, quiet voice. Through spiritual maturity and exercising my senses, I have developed the ability to have spiritual vision to see into many different situations and spiritual realms. Many Biblical prophets were referred to as seers. In 1Samuel 9:19, it says, “Samuel answered Saul and said, “I am the seer. Go up before me to the high place, for you shall eat with me today; and tomorrow I will let you go and will tell you all that is in your heart.”

Nutritional & Health Counseling

Your nutritional, supplemental, and therapy needs will be assessed by what your body reveals to the discerner through Muscle Resistance Testing. Clients are encouraged to follow the directions to Ultimate Health. The Blood Type Diet is an excellent guide to starting your healthy journey. The discerner works in partnership with clients to help them gain their greatest possible health without over-supplementation.

This counseling focuses on personalized advice to improve your diet and lifestyle for better overall health. A counselor works with you to figure out what foods and habits support your unique needs—think of it as a roadmap to feeling your best, whether that’s boosting energy, managing a condition, or just eating smarter based on how your body works. It’s not about one-size-fits-all rules; they might suggest tweaking your meals or adding specific nutrients, and they’ll check in to see how you’re feeling as you go.

Spiritual Journey Advisor

Janis is a minister of deliverance and healing. She operates in her discernment and intuitive gifting with her clients to gain spiritual knowledge and to pray for them for deliverance and healing. She was ordained in 2006 from the Charles and Frances Hunter, City of Light, Inc.

Janis started the Spiritual Journey Fellowship, LLC in November 2021 as an extension of the healing services of Healthy Journey, Inc. She uses prayer to release cellular disturbances created by embedded negative emotions and memories, leading to cellular dysfunction and disease. Often, negative spirit activity will attach to emotional trauma trapped in the cell, which needs to be delivered for physical healing to occur. Janis gives spiritual advice to help her clients in their journey to both spiritually heal and grow in their prayer potential.

Tuning Fork Therapy

Disease and cellular disturbances often occur when the body and cell vibrations are low. The frequency Hertz of various tuning forks will raise the body and cell vibration, promoting healing and energy restoration. They also assist in removing negative energy attachments and grounding stressors, negative emotions, and attachments, thereby elevating a healing effect.

Tuning Fork Therapy involves using metal tuning forks that vibrate at specific frequencies to promote relaxation and balance in the body. The idea is that sound waves can resonate with your energy, easing tension or even helping with pain. It’s a gentle, non-invasive way to feel more in tune, literally and figuratively, often paired with a calming session. You might feel the vibrations on your skin or hear the hum as it works, and some say it leaves them feeling grounded and refreshed afterward.

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage occurs when a Neon-argon Photon Particle Beam Generator (a.k.a. Cold Gas Laser) focuses a beam of photons into the lymphatic nodes and vessels. It breaks up accumulated blood proteins around the cells. It causes them to enter the lymphatic vessels, enhancing the flow of lymph and releasing congestion from the lymph nodes so that they filter more efficiently.

The beam increases negative ion charges in the tissues to stimulate healing and increase the action of specialized enzymes that, in turn, help clear fibrosis in the body, breasts, uterus, and scar tissue. By increasing the lymph flow, the immune system functions better to enable the body to release pathogens and abnormal cells.

Lymphatic Drainage is designed to encourage the flow of lymph fluid, which helps your body get rid of waste and toxins. It’s especially useful if you’re feeling swollen or sluggish, as it boosts circulation and supports your immune system—imagine it as a nudge to help your body’s natural cleanup crew work more efficiently. Over time, it can reduce puffiness and give you a surprising energy lift.

Red Light Laser System

The Red Light Laser emits homeopath energy frequencies. When this light is shown over a weak area of the body, the area will use whatever frequency it needs to heal. This laser stimulates nerve regeneration through scar tissue.

Using low-level red or near-infrared light, this therapy aims to heal tissues, reduce inflammation, and ease pain by penetrating the skin. It’s like giving your cells a little energy boost to repair themselves, often used for skin health, muscle recovery, or even joint issues, all without any heat or discomfort. A handheld device aimed at a sore spot and studies suggest it can speed up healing—pretty cool for something so simple.

Scalar Wave Laser System

The Scalar Wave Laser System uses pulsating energy and light-emitting diodes to target tissue with light and frequency energy. The laser may:
• Increases healing of wounds
• Decreases swelling and pain
• Relieves muscle spasms and stiffness
• Relaxes muscle tissue

This takes laser therapy a step further by using a mix of light and energy patterns to target deeper healing. It’s said to work on a cellular level, helping with things like stress relief, detoxification, or chronic pain, by harmonizing the body’s energy fields—think of it as a high-tech reset button for your system. The device often feels cool to the touch, and practitioners claim it can reach beyond surface issues, though it’s still a bit mysterious even to science.

Detoxification Program

Cancer and disease are like rats that live in a toxic body dump. Clean the dump, and the rats
go away! A toxic body occurs due to many diet and lifestyle choices. A detox program consists of using:
Cleansing Modalities:
• Colon Cleansing Products
• Herbal and Enzyme Supplements
• Homeopathy
• Coffee Enemas
• Nutritional & Health Counseling
• Lymphatic Drainage

A detox program is all about clearing out the junk your body doesn’t need—toxins from food, stress, or the environment. It might involve diet changes, supplements, or therapies to support your liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system, leaving you feeling lighter and more energized as you give your body a fresh start. Some programs are intense, like juice cleanses, while others ease you in with herbal teas and whole foods—it depends on how deep you want to go, but the goal is always a cleaner, happier you.

As a registered nurse, I (Janis Betz) cannot diagnose, offer medical advice, or prescribe the use of supplements to treat a specific sickness or disease. The statements in this document have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).